RAF Little Staughton – Winner of Two VCs. Part 2

In Part 1, we saw how Little Staughton had developed initialled used by the USAAF as a depot for repairs and refurbishments, and how soon after it was handed back to the RAF and the Bennett’s Pathfinders.

The end of 1944 would be pivotal though, but not the happy celebratory time it should have been, but a solemn and heart rendering time for those stationed here.

On December 23rd 1944, twenty-seven Lancasters along with their three Mosquito reserves, would take off from Little Staughton and their sister airfields at Bourn and Gravely, to be joined by their escorts – three squadrons of Mustangs from 150 Wing, over France. Once out of the English fog and cloud that had harassed the bombers for several days before hand, the aircraft began to jostle for their correct position in the formation. The three formations, each made up of two Flights, A and B, would gradually settle down now able to see each other in the clearer skies above the heavy English cloud.In such a clear sky, it might be ill-considered to think that anything could go drastically wrong – but go wrong it did.

Little Staughton The watch office at Little Staughton is now a listed building.

Assemblies could always be a danger and would be unsettling for any crew. At the back of the six flight formation and unseen to the Little Staughton crews at the front, Graveley’s 35 Sqn’s Flying Officer G.S. Lawson in Lancaster ‘H-How’ (PB683) began closing in on his friend Pilot Officer R. Clarke in ‘F-Freddie’ (PB678). Misjudging the narrow distance between them, Lawson’s aircraft inadvertently made contact with the wing of Clarke’s, sending both aircraft, fully laden with fuel and bombs, spiralling to the icy waters of the English Channel below. As the two Lancasters fell uncontrollably towards Earth, others in the formation could do nothing except watch in horror and prey that chutes would somehow emerge from the two Lancasters. Miraculously, six airmen did manage to escape the stricken bombers before they either broke apart due to the extreme forces exerted upon them, or they hit the water.

A rescue search was mounted immediately. Little Staughton’s reserve pathfinder Mosquito from 105 Sqn, who was sat at the rear of the formation and witnessed everything, remained on station continually radioing the airmen’s positions back to control.  He remained there, watching out, until the launch arrived to begin the arduous task of searching for signs of life. But the icy winter waters of the channel were too much for the badly protected airmen, and although six managed to escape the stricken bombers, all the crew of the launch could do was pull dead bodies from the cold water. Only one crewman was unaccounted for, the body of  Flt.Lt. John Faulkner was some weeks later washed up on the beach at Dieppe. He remains buried there to this day.

Meanwhile, the front two formations consisting of Lancasters from Little Staughton flew on oblivious to the carnage that had occurred behind them. Being an Oboe operation meant that the aircraft had to fly for fifteen minutes straight and level without any deviation from the beam they were following. Hopefully, the predicted cloud over the target would give them some protection from flak and fighters, hence the reason for using Oboe. When they got there however, there was none, just clear bright skies and it was daylight. Ramrod 1415 was about to feel the brunt of the Luftwaffe’s determined pilots.

The first formation had somehow become detached from the second and third, meaning their escort was way behind and having to race to catch-up. With eight minutes to target they were alone, in clear skies and vulnerable.

It was then that the flak began. 88mm and 105mm shells began exploding all around the aircraft, peppering the fuselages like hailstones on a tin can.

Within minutes the gunners had found their mark, and the first aircraft was hit. Mosquito ML998 ‘HS-B’ with 25 year old Flt. Lt. Eric Carpenter, a Canadian, and Fl. Off. William Lambert as navigator, was on fire with both engines out. Moments later, the Mosquito exploded in a massive fireball. Neither airmen would survive and Little Staughton was now one crew down.

With three minutes to go, not only had the flak intensified but fighters had appeared on the scene too. The master bomber, Sqn. Ldr. Robert Palmer in Lancaster PB 371 ‘V’, received hits causing two engines to cut. His Lancaster was now more than ever difficult to fly but on he went fighting the reluctant aircraft every inch of the way. Then further hits badly damaged the Lancaster’s tail forcing the aircraft to turn over and tumble out of the bright German sky.

As the aircraft tumbled over and over, the rear gunner Flt.Sgt. R Yeulatt, another Canadian, manged to escape his turret, more by luck than skill. After his turret was separated from the spiralling Lancaster his body was forced out between the doors by the wind. This incredible escape would be his saviour – he would be the only survivor of the seven man crew.

With all Lancasters receiving intense fire it was going to be carnage – and it was.

Little Staughton One of the original hangars still in use today.

The second Lancaster to fall from the sky was that of American (RCAF) Flt.Lt. Arndt Reif in PB120 ‘P’. Reid’s aircraft was hit by both flak and enemy fighters. Reif himself was badly injured, and so he gave the order to bale out. Only two crewmen, Flt. Sgts MacLennan and Pearce, both Canadians, escaped with their lives, being picked up on the ground and incarcerated by the Germans.

Flt. Lt. R. Hockley in Lancaster PB141 ’60-F’ went down next. With no controls and one wing on fire, he gave the order to jump, and all seven crewmen managed to escape the burning wreck. Six were picked up by the Germans below, the seventh, 24 year old Pilot Officer Ken Hewitt was attacked by murderous civilians and shot several times. Efforts to save him by a local policeman failed and the murder was the subject to a post war criminal investigation, which concluded that the fatal shot came from Hubert Wester, who was later killed on the Eastern front. No other charges were brought against any of those present.

With one Mosquito and three Lancasters now gone, the deaths were stacking up. Fl. Off. R. Terpenning, an Australian, in Lancaster PB558 ‘A’ had by now taken several hits and was flying ‘on the deck’ to try and make his escape. Pounced on by further fighters, time was definitely of the essence.

The Lancaster’s gunners fought bravely to ward off continued determined Luftwaffe attacks. Fuel now streamed from the wing; two engines were out; the top turret had been severely damaged and many controls were out of action, it was a miracle the aircraft was still in the air. Once over Belgium and the relative safety of the allied lines, Terpenning gave the order to bale out, himself being the last to leave. All seven airmen made it safely out of the Lancaster and were back at Little Staughton just four days later.

By now chaos reigned. Communications were bad at best. Only some aircraft received the order to scatter and had done so, others meanwhile received orders to bomb visually and not by Oboe. Some of the formation dispersed, each aircraft beginning its own unscheduled bomb run.

The last of the formation aircraft to come down was that piloted by 22 year old  Flt. Lt. Peter Thomas, in Lancaster PB523 ‘J’. It, like the others, had received substantial hits and was doomed to crash. After battling against persistent fighters and damaged controls, Thomas finally gave the order to bale out. With himself and a wounded Canadian P. Off. Frederick (Tex) Campbell upfront, the remaining crew escaped and the aircraft crashed. In the wreckage still at the controls, was the body of the pilot Flt. Lt. Thomas.

Of those who escaped four became prisoners of war, the fifth, twenty year old Flt. Sgt. Vivian Hobbs was killed after his chute collapsed on the descent.

Of the seventeen Little Staughton 582 Sqn Lancasters that went to Cologne that day, five failed to return along with a Mosquito of 109 Sqn. With a further two Lancasters from Gravely a total of eight aircraft were lost that day, along with all but one of their crews. The operation had been a disaster from the start, and the crews had paid the price.

After the operation Sqn. Ldr. Palmer, who was on his third operational tour and 111th sortie,  was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his determination in continuing on to the target, even though his aircraft was severely damaged. He insisted on flying straight and level to allow Oboe to pinpoint the target. As a result the crew placed their markers precisely on the target allowing those left following to bomb accurately.*3

The full story and VC citation for Sqn Ldr. Palmer, can be read in ‘Heroic Tales‘.

Little Staughton A Robins Aircraft Hangar still in use today.

The return trip to Cologne on New Year’s eve must have filled the crews with dread, however it proved to be uneventful in that all aircraft returned safely and without incident. Although losses were comparatively light for the two units, seventeen aircraft lost from 109 Sqn and around thirty from 582; equating to some 250 airmen in total; it was still a blow to the squadrons and to Little Staughton as a whole.

With a successful and uneventful last operation, the dawn of 1945 must have brought renewed hope for fewer losses and that of a forthcoming allied victory.

The poor weather of the Christmas period however, did little to deter operations over Germany. On 1st January 1945, 582 Sqn were once again in action flying to both Dortmund and Witten. For almost fifteen days crews would be flying operations, training flights or both. It was a gruelling time but losses were low. It wasn’t until the 16th-17th that the first aircraft would go down. Baling out over allied territory all crew apart from the rear gunner, Sgt. McNamara, survived. With 109 Sqn losing only one Mosquito on the 31st – again both airmen returning safely – January had proven light despite the increase in operations.

It was then in February that another Little Staughton airman would earn himself the Victoria Cross, the second for bravery and dedication to duty.

On the night of 23rd-24th  February,  only ten days after the historical attack on Dresden that resulted in a firestorm, 367 Lancasters and 13 Mosquitoes from 1, 6 and 8 Groups were detailed to attack the city of Pforzheim to the north-west of Stuttgart. This would be the only attack on the city and it would prove almost as devastating as Dresden and Hamburg.

The Master Bomber that night was a 582 Squadron Lancaster piloted by the only South African pilot in the Pathfinders, Captain Edwin Swales DFC. In his Lancaster III PB538 ‘N’, were seven other crewmen, including two navigators.

On the run in to the target, the Lancaster was badly hit by night fighters putting one engine and the rear turret guns out of action. Undeterred, Swales continued to perform his role, guiding the following bombers onto the target with the greatest of precision.

Only when he was satisfied that the attack had been carried out did he leave the target area. Now easy prey to more attacks, soon a second engine was put out of action, controls were damaged with some being inoperable. With a reduced speed and difficult flying conditions he headed for the allied lines, and once safely over them, he gave the order to bale out. All those on board made the jump to safety, leaving Swales at the control trying to maintain steady flight. Just as the last man left, the Lancaster gave up the struggle and was reported to hit high tension cables causing it to crash. Captain Swales was still at the controls when it was found later on.

The attack on Pforzheim  was considered to be very accurate, with over 1,800 bombs having been dropped in little over twenty minutes. Over 17,000 people were known to have died that night in the raging fire that followed, and a post-war photograph, revealed that 83% of the built up area had been destroyed by the raid*4.

Swales’ VC was awarded posthumously, being the second such award to go to airman of Little Staughton, and the third of only three to the Pathfinders. His citation appeared in the Fifth Supplement to The London Gazette, of Friday, the 20th of April, 1945, and concluded: “Intrepid in the attack, courageous in the face of danger, he did his duty to the last, giving his life that his comrades might live.” His story also appears in ‘Heroic Tales’

The war was by now drawing to its inevitable conclusion, and the end of the Nazi’s reign of terror was near. For Little Staughton crews however, the job was far from over. By now the allies were so close to Germany that Oboe stations and forward operating airfields allowed accurate Oboe bombing of Berlin. On the 8th March 109 Squadron’s history was made with their first Oboe marking of Berlin and Munich; the longest range they ever attempted. Eighteen aircraft were ordered out to four targets, the other two being Dessau and Hamburg, The night was not the most successful though, with technical problems causing issues with a number of Pathfinder aircraft. On the Hamburg raid, four of the six aircraft marked well, one aircraft lost an engine and had to return early, whilst over Berlin, two of the four markers had to return without marking also due to technical issues. The Dessau raid suffered similar technical issues.

By now the war was in its last stages, and the night of 20th-21st April saw yet another pivotal moment in the history of the war, with the RAF’s last attack on the German capital. 109 Sqn were again in action, and it was Mosquito XVI ML929, piloted by F.O. A.C. Austin and F.O. P. Moorhead, who claimed the honour of dropping the last RAF bomb on the city. It was yet another feather in the cap for Little Staughton crews.

Little Staughton One of the original hardstands now has farmers sheds on it.

Other German cities then took the brunt of the Allied attacks. To the south, allied troops were approaching Hitler’s lair at Berchtesgaden,  but the night’s attack in April would not be one to remember, as all Little Staughton’s aircraft suffered technical issues preventing them from marking the target. It is thought that the surrounding mountains had interrupted the Oboe signal leading to poor reception by the Pathfinders. Due to fog and snow, identifying the target was then made more difficult for the following bombers, but with relatively accurate strikes, the raid was considered a success. However, it was not to be the Pathfinder’s final night of glory.

Attention then turned to Manna operations, and 109 began to mark targets in Holland for food parcels. A remarkable effort allowing foodstuffs and urgent supplies to be dropped to starving civilians in Holland.

Whilst bomber command was concentrating on humanitarian flights, 109 Squadron took part in the final raid on Kiel on May 2nd-3rd, with four aircraft taking part. One suffered problems and was unable to mark leaving the remaining three to identify and mark the target.  It was solely a Mosquito attack using aircraft from both 8 and 100 Group, after which large fires were seen rising from several parts of the town. After the last remnants of the German army left, it was declared ‘undefended’ and open, and allied troops entered unopposed just 36 hours later.

With the war’s end, the Pathfinders returned to dropping markers for food supplies, and ‘cooks’ tours began, aircrew taking ground crews on ‘sight-seeing’ trips over Germany to show the extent of the devastation caused by the war and the allied pounding of Germany’s towns and cities. An event that really brought home the effects of the war on Germany.

In September 1945 after much speculation and many staff movements, both squadrons were ordered to disband. 582 was first on the 10th with 109 Squadron soon after on the 30th. A glimmer of hope then came for 109 Sqn, when it was reborn through the renumbering of 627 Sqn at Woodhall Spa. To all intents and purposes though it was a different squadron to the one that had worked so hard and with such dedication here at Little Staughton. The operational record books for 582 Squadron simply states: “No further entry, Squadron disbanded as of 10th September 1945“. On roll were 147 airmen and 92 Officers, six of which were New Zealanders. The records also show that the squadron had dropped over 8,000 tons of bombs cumulatively, while 109 Sqn recorded: “This is the finish, all our aircraft were flown to Upwood today.”

Some 522 raids had been flown by 109 Squadron, covering over a staggering 5,400 sorties, while at either Little Staughton, Wyton or Marham, all with a loss of just 18 aircraft. 582 on the other hand had flown over 2,100 sorties in 165 raids with a loss of 28 Lancasters all whilst based at this little airfield in the Cambridgeshire countryside*4.

Throughout the war, thoughts had never been far away from post war aviation and in particular the development of new, larger and faster aircraft, both military and civil. With it would come the demand for bigger airfields and longer runways, which led to a search for possible extensions to existing airfields.  Farnborough and the RAE (Royal Aircraft Establishment), was the preferred choice, but the site was penned in and unable to have its runway extended to the five miles thought necessary to accommodate new types of aircraft. Alternatives were sought with the final decision being the amalgamation of three airfields: Twinwood Farm, Thurleigh and Little Staughton; a five mile runway linking Thurleigh with Little Staughton which would then be linked by a taxi way with Twinwood Farm. The idea behind the huge development was to replicate the Californian Muroc test facility (now Edwards Air Force Base) to enable testing of new developments in aviation. The idea never materialised though, and would have no doubt faced serious opposition had it ever got to the consultation phase*1.

So, with no real need for Little Staughton it was soon surplus to military requirements, and with their dramatic reduction of assets, its days were sadly numbered.

Following the departure of the two squadrons, the airfield became used as a transport base, before finally closing in December 1945, and being placed into care and maintenance. In the 1950s the runway was given consideration again and work began to extend it for use in emergencies by US military aircraft, but this was also a short lived exercise, and by the end of the decade this too had ceased, and the site was closed to all military activity. For a short while it was used by the civilian Brooklands Aviation company as a repair depot, but was soon returned to farmland although the runway, and some of the perimeter tracks remain, used by a small aviation company along with several of the hangars which are used by light industry.

The Watch Office continues to stand and is now a Grade II listed building, being listed in December 2005 for its ‘special architectural and historic interest’. Historic England describe it as “One of a very small number of control towers of the Second World War period that have survived in a substantially complete state of preservation…This is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a 1941 control tower design for bomber satellite stations, of which 24 out of 45 built survive.”*2

With that, Little Staughton quietly slipped in to the history books. The buildings left standing echoing the hectic activities of two Pathfinder Squadrons, from which over 250 airmen lost their lives.

582 Sqn had been purposefully created for a role, a role it performed to the highest standard and with the greatest pride of any squadron in the RAF. 109 Sqn had performed with the same dedication and determination, meaning that Little Staughton crews were awarded two of the three VCs the Pathfinders earned, the highest honour to be bestowed on any military personnel. In addition to these, numerous other gallantry medals were also awarded to the many crews of both squadrons, a number of whom had flown in excess of 100 sorties whilst based here at Little Staughton.

Little Staughton Remnants of the airfield still exist as farm tracks.

Little Staughton was only operational for a short period of time. But in that time it achieved some of the highest accolades possible in military terms. It brought a great sense of pride to the local area, and a huge influx of men and machinery. Today it stands quiet, just outside of the village which marks its history with a small stone laid close to the end of the main runway. The local church, All Saints, also has a roll of honour commemorating all those personnel who lost their lives here, and a memorial stone close by pays homage to those who served and died in this remarkable place.

The entire story can be read in Trail 29.

Sources and further reading (Little Staughton)
*1 Smith, D., “Britain’s Military Airfields 1939 – 45” Patrick Stephens Limited, 1989
*2 Historic England Website accessed 17/9/23

*3 Much of the report from this comes from a combination of Operational record books and secondary resources including Feast., S., “Heroic Endeavour“, Grub Street Publications, 2006.

*4 Middlebrook, M., Everitt. C., “The Bomber Command War Diaries“, Midland Publishing Ltd, 1996

National Archives Operational Records:

AIR 27/2052/2; AIR 27/2052/1; AIR 27/854/8; AIR 27/854/7; AIR 27/2052/7; AIR 27/2052/8; AIR 27/2052/10; AIR 27/2052/9; AIR 27/855/2; AIR 27/2052/14; AIR 27/2052/13; AIR 27/856/7; AIR 27/856/9; AIR 27/2449/1; AIR 27/2052/27

RAF Little Staughton – Winner of Two VCs. Part 1.

Trail 29 saw a trip to two airfields both of which have now gone. A new addition to this trail, takes us back to the west of Cambridgeshire to the Bedford border and a small airfield that continues to operate as a flying entity. But, and perhaps more importantly, it is one where two VCs were won, and where RAF Pathfinders reigned supreme. Having only a short life itself, and only two front line squadrons, its rather unassuming presence hides a remarkable tale of heroism, bravery and dedication that transports it high into the ranks of wartime history.

In the latest addition to this trail we visit the small village with two airfields, starting with RAF Little Staughton.

RAF Little Staughton

The village of Little Staughton sits on Oxford Clay, a Jurassic marine sediment, and is located about 4.5 miles from Kimbolton and 8 miles from Bedford. The village itself resides in the upper most regions of Bedfordshire, but this is not the original village, that being abandoned following the bubonic plague, and so the village we see today being created as a result.

Little Staughton is unusual in that it has been home to two wartime airfields, RFC Little Staughton which was open between October 1916 and June 1917, and its World War II counterpart, RAF Little Staughton. Both add further complexities to the name by each being located over the county border in Cambridgeshire.

RAF Little Staughton, like many of its contemporaries, was cold and draughty. The staff huts dispersed around the various sites provided little comfort to those inside seeking warmth and shelter from the elements outside.

Built by a mix of construction companies including the AMWD  (Air Ministry Works Directorate), it had three concrete and tarmac runways measuring 1,920 x 50 yards; 1,340 x 50 yards and 1,000 x 50 yards with the main runway running in an approximate east-west direction.

Little Staughton (east upward) whilst under construction, 26th June 1942. Note the accommodation and technical areas have not yet been started and the spectacle hardstands are missing. Photo taken by No. 8 OTU. English Heritage (RAF Photography RAF/FNO/24).

Aircraft maintenance and storage consisted of eight Robin and three ‘T2’ hangars with an additional Butler hangar. Butler hangars were built in limited quantity for use on American airfields, and were supplied in kit form from the Butler Manufacturing Company, Kansas. They were made of box-section girders and then clad with canvas to keep out the elements and provide some protection for those inside. Butler stores buildings of which there were two at Little Staughton, were similar, but with rigid frames and beams forming a forty foot span. The presence of these buildings give a little insight into the origins of the airfield, as neither were found elsewhere on RAF airfields.

Around the perimeter track, there were thirty-seven pan style hardstands along with an additional sixteen spectacle hardstands. Personnel accommodation blocks for approximately 2,500 staff of mixed rank and gender, were spread to the east, behind the technical area, and incorporated eleven sites including a waste water treatment plant, three communal sites and a sick quarters. A further site housed the airfield’s transmitter.

Staff accommodation was made by a mix of suppliers and materials. These included Laing, Nissen and Ministry of Works, using both asbestos and corrugated iron. It is also known that ‘Jane Huts’ existed at Little Staughton, timber frames with plasterboard, or later, corrugated iron covering reinforced with chicken wire – hardly a home from home!

The technical area itself housed the usual collection of maintenance and training buildings including: three link trainers, a free gunnery trainer, a parachute store, workshops, an A.M. bombing teacher and various stores built from numerous materials. Located not far from the technical area is the watch office, built in 1942 using the Air Ministry’s Directorate of Works and Building’s design, Drawing No. 13726/41, it was rendered brick with an asphalt roof, with the watch office to the front on the ground floor and a meteorological office, switch room and lavatories to the rear. The first floor has the control room to the front of the building with 2 large windows, and to the rear was the controller’s rest room and signals office. Access to the second floor is via external steel stairs and a balcony  provides extensive outside views of the airfield as was common with wartime watch offices.

Opened in December 1942, Little Staughton was handed over to the USAAF to be used as No.2 Advanced Air Depot (AAD) and renamed in accordance with the US naming system as Station AAF127. This provides an explanation as to why Butler structures appear at the site.

The main role for the 2nd AAD (previously known as SAD – Strategic Air Depot) was to expedite repairs, modifications and in-depth maintenance to the B-17s of the 1st Bomb Wing. A role that could prove grizzly as many would have been badly shot up with the inevitable casualties languishing inside. A number of similar bases were established and then further developed by the Americans, these included: Warton, Burtonwood and Langford Lodge. Being the only one at the time in East Anglia though, Little Staughton was given priority and quickly established itself as a high level maintenance base.

A year after it opened however, the US authorities decided to move the depot from Little Staughton to a new base at Abbots Ripton adjacent to the huge American base at Alconbury. Little Staughton, then surplus to their needs, was subsequently handed back to the Royal Air Force and Bomber Command, who, on March 1st, took over control and began moving new personnel and aircraft on to the site.

Little Staughton

One of Little Staughton’s technical huts now used for light industry.

8 (PFF) Group, under the command of Donald Bennett, and to whom the airfield was allocated, was undergoing a reduction in squadron flights from three to two at this point, and so a month later to the day, the first aircraft, Lancasters of ‘C’ Flight, 7 Squadron at Oakington along with Lancasters of ‘C’ Flight 156 Squadron from Upwood, arrived to form a new squadron, 582 Sqn, as part of the Pathfinder force and based here at Little Staughton. The squadron would use both the Mark I and Mark III Lancaster, and would be the last of the heavy bomber units to be formed under the Pathfinders.

On April 1st 1944, fifty officers arrived at Little Staughton, and were immediately assigned to the command of Squadron Leader (Acting Wing Commander) C.M. Dunnicliffe DFC from 97 Sqn at Bourn. Sqn. Ldr. Welbourn and Sqn. Ldr. McMillan were placed in temporary charge of ‘A’ and ‘B’ Fights respectively. The squadron headquarters, flight offices, crew rooms and specialist offices were all quickly put to good use and various alterations made to the buildings to suit the new squadron. The crew rooms were perhaps deemed better than some, being described as “commodious” by the new admin staff.

582 Sqn were not alone for long though, being joined within twenty-four hours by the twin-engined Mosquitoes of 109 Sqn from RAF Marham, the various aircraft being ferried in over a two day period.

There would be no respite for the two squadrons though. 582’s Lancaster crews began training immediately, flying cross country flights, “Y” training flights, fighter affiliation flights and so on. 109 Sqn on the other hand began operations to the continent almost immediately. On the 4th, four Mosquitoes were detailed to Essen, two to Rhinehausen, two more to Aachen, Kreffield, Cologne and two more to an unnamed target. Only one aircraft had problems that night, Mosquito IV ‘DZ256’ suffered engine problems and so the pilot instructed the navigator to bale out over the coast. The Mosquito then managed to land at Bradwell Bay, a difficult task in a Mosquito especially as the propeller on the faulty engine could not be feathered.

Bradwell Bay was soon to see more of the 109 Sqn Mosquitoes. On the 8th, a second one crash landed there after being hit by flak over Essen. Thankfully, both pilot and navigator were unhurt in the landing.

The rest of the month was operationally similar. With numerous flights to the continent marking and bombing targets, some requiring markers whilst some didn’t, and in these cases the target indicators (TIs) were brought home. Several aircraft over the month had failed to bomb due to ‘technical problems’, mainly failing oxygen systems, faulty aircraft undercarriage or engine trouble.

Hendon RAF Museum

A thousand lb Target indicator Bomb at Hendon.

582 Sqn on the other hand, continued throughout the month with training flights inter-dispersed with a small number of operations over the continent. On April 23rd they received a blow, when Lancaster III JA933 ‘S’ flown by New Zealander Flt. Sgt. Wallis B. Forfar failed to return from a seven ship formation to Laon. Sadly all seven crew on board were killed that day, and their bodies remained buried together in Roye New British Cemetery in the Somme. Their known ages ranged from just 19 years of age to 22.

Operations and training flights were interrupted on April 29th, when Air Vice Marshall Don Bennett visited the airfield, and in particular 109 Sqn’s Messes. He presented watches ‘on behalf of a foreign admirer of the Royal Air Force‘ to Pilot Officer Sexton and Flight Sergeant Marchant who had both completed  seventeen sorties to Berlin.

By the end of the month both squadrons had been on operations almost daily, the routine of training now taking a back seat. These continual operations meant that the two squadrons amassed in excess of 300 sorties between them. Little Staughton and it’s crews had certainly made their mark.

Over the next few months, operations took both squadrons to strategic targets, V-1 sites were especially targeted, accurately marked by the Mosquitoes of 109 Sqn. Railway yards and road junctions were also hit in an attempt to slowdown advancing German reinforcements into Normandy. The Pathfinder squadrons were making good use of their skills.

July 11th 1944, would prove to be a first for both Bomber Command and for 8 Group in particular. The modification of a 582 Sqn. Lancaster, ND817 ‘S’ meant it was the first to carry the new ‘Oboe’ equipment. It was then piloted by Wing Commander G.F. Grant of 109 squadron, who directed the first ‘heavy Oboe’ operation of the war. Grant, himself a seasoned Mosquito pilot, was able to direct the bombers accurately onto the target, initiating bombing when he bombed, and so aiming to obtain a higher level of success than had previously been achieved.

The attack by seven Lancasters on the flying bomb’s site at Gapennes, proved uneventful in terms of losses or incidents, but was no doubt a notable point in the bombing war. Now they could hit small, precision targets with heavy bombers using Oboe.

A second such operation on July 20th to the flying-bomb site at Foret-du-Croc was not so fortunate though, 582 squadron suffering the loss of the leading aircraft, Lancaster ED908 ‘Z’ flown by Sqn. Ldr. J. Foulsham DFC, AFC.

Using the new Oboe equipment required considerable training, and so four of the crew, including Sqn. Ldr. Foulsham, had been reassigned to the aircraft from 109 Sqn. With two navigators on board the aircraft, the eight man crew were all lost when the aircraft was shot down, crashing with great force on the run-in to the target. Sqn. Ldr. Foulsham may have been a late change on that operation as the ORB doesn’t list him as flying that day. All eight crewmen are buried in the Canadian War Cemetery in Dieppe.

With two more Lancasters lost on July 23rd-24th and another on the night of 28th-29th, 582’s losses were slowly mounting. In one of the Lancasters lost on 23rd, was the South African airman Lt. Swales, who went on to later be awarded the VC in 1945. Whilst the aircraft was lost in an emergency landing, the crew were all safe and they continued flying almost immediately. Additionally, in the last Lancaster to go down that July, was one of Bomber Command’s oldest airmen Flt. Sgt. C. Lewis at age 39. Seven of the eight airmen were lost including Flt. Sgt. Lewis.

August would prove to be one of the heaviest months for operations, especially for 109 Sqn, who would mount in excess of 500 sorties flying against Flying Bomb sites, oil plants, rail junctions, fuel depots and other strategic targets.

In late 1944, Arthur Harris was partially released of the tight constraints applied to him by the Supreme Allied Commanders, and so he was now able to turn his forces to his favoured targets – the cities of Germany. Although directed to focus on oil, many of these cities had close connections to oil, and so Harris was able to circumnavigate the directive with few complaints from those above him.

As aircrew casualties began to fall and the number of available heavy bombers began to rise, the RAF were now able to increase their operations, dropping almost half of all their wartime tonnage in the remaining few months of the war*4

August 1944 would prove to be another pivotal month in Bomber Command, as the first major daylight raid since 1941 was launched against German targets. 582 Sqn sent ten Lancasters to Minoyecques, whilst 109 Sqn sent eight Mosquitoes to Homburg in Saarland and six Mosquitoes to Minoyecques in support of the Lancasters. All aircraft returned safely to Little Staughton, some bringing indicators back with them as they were not needed due to accurate and extensive marking. The end of the month ended on a more sour note for the two squadrons however, with the loss of one Lancaster along with all of its crew, and two Mosquitoes. It is believed that all four crewmen from the Mosquitoes managed to evade capture, although their fate is not yet known.

Perhaps the most successful operations for 582 Sqn came on October 3rd, when 252 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitoes attacked the sea walls at Walcheren, targets that dominated the approach to Antwerp. By breaching the sea wall it was hoped that the sea would flood the defences behind, and drastically hinder any defence against an allied assault on the town. Once Antwerp was taken, an estimated 40,000 tons of supplies could then be poured through to the front line of the allied advance, who were now getting very low on supplies and losing momentum as a result.

The operation led by Master Bomber Grp. Cptn. P. Cribb in Lancaster ND750 ‘E’, of 582 Sqn was a great success, with the walls being breached across a 100 foot span,  through which millions of gallons of water could pass. The attack was carried out by eight waves of Lancasters with Pathfinder Mosquitoes and Lancasters leading the way. At the back of the formation were 617 Sqn Lancasters carrying Tallboy bombs, but because the bombing was so successful and accurate, these were not needed and 617 Sqn took them back home with them.

By the winter of 1944/45, and although a long way from beaten, the Luftwaffe were now on the back foot and the allies were becoming masters of the skies. By the end of the year RAF daylight operations were commonplace, but they were not without their problems.

In Part 2 we see how Little Staughton crews took the brunt of the Luftwaffe’s determination to take back control of the skies. In one mission alone, they would sacrifice eight aircraft and most of their crews. It would however, bring the first of two VCs to the little airfield.

The entire story can be read in Trail 29.

Loss of Lancaster EE118, 156 Sqn PFF – RAF Warboys.

On 30th September 2023, a dedication was paid to the loss of Lancaster EE118 of 156 Squadron PFF, RAF Warboys, which crashed 80 years prior.

The Lancaster, a MK.III, took off from Warboys at 18:24 on September 29th 1943 on operations to Germany. It was joined by nine other Lancasters from the same squadron to bomb Bochum in Western Germany. Over the target, flak was moderate and visibility was good. Marking was in the form of skymarkers, along with red and green target indicators (TI) and bombing was reported as scattered with smoke rising to 5,000 ft.

On Lancaster EE118 that night was Flt. Sgt. Frederick H. Ray (Pilot); Sgt. David R. Booker (Bomb aimer);  Fl. Off. Sydney K. Smith RCAF (Navigator); Sgt. Norman P. Winterburn (Wireless Op); Sgt. William A. Lineham (Flt. Engineer); Sgt. Frederick D. Dickens (Air Gunner) and Sgt. Arthur S. W. Orchard (rear Gunner).

The aircraft had suffered heavy flak damage, several of the instruments were not working including the compass and altimeter, and a 1,000lb bomb remained ‘hung-up’ in the bomb bay, Their return to Warboys would take them over the North Sea, across the Wash and south-east toward Warboys, but they requested landing permission at RAF Downham Market as it was closer. Permission was granted, and the ‘hung-up’ bomb was safely disposed of over the Wash.

Lancaster EE118 crash plaque

The Memorial Plaque to Lancaster EE118.

Downham Market was at the time shrouded in thick fog and the FIDO installation recently added was not yet fully serviceable. Flt. Sgt. Ray made his approach, and with 10/10ths cloud as low as 1,000 feet, it was very difficult to make out where he was.

On his first approach, Flt. Sgt. Ray missed the runway and so headed north, and then turned in a south-west direction to make a new approach from the east. On his run in toward the final turn, the rear wheel caught the tree tops of a Slubberdike Wood, located  north-west of the airfield. This slowed the aircraft down sufficiently to prevent it from climbing, and as they passed over Allotments at nearby Wimbotsham village, the port wing clipped a raised air-raid shelter near to the allotment entrance. This caused the wing tip to break off and resulted in the aircraft colliding with a telegraph pole at the end of Hop Pikel field near to Milller’s Lane which flipped the aircraft over bring it down in an orchard.

In the accident, all but the rear gunner Sgt. Orchard were killed outright, Sgt. Orchard being thrown clear from his rear turret.

The noise of the crash alerted  local people who went out to see what had caused all the noise, and suspecting an air crash, they searched for wreckage. Gardens at the end of Miller’s Lane were strewn with bits of aircraft and a two young boys by the name of Gutteridge, came across Sgt. Orchard with a large branch across his legs. Fearing he had broken it, Sgt. Orchard begged them not to move it and await medical assistance in case it made the injury worse.

In the confusion that followed, Sgt. Orchard couldn’t remember if the 1,000 lb bomb had been dropped or not, so the police on the scene cleared the nearby houses sending everyone into their various bomb shelters for protection. It was not necessary however, and soon the all clear had been given and they returned to their homes.

Another young boy, 12 years old at the time, recalled how the rest of the crew were found in his garden, 39 Miller’s Lane, and how they were removed by RAF personnel during the night. Wreckage was found across the orchard and in local gardens, until RAF salvage teams took the aircraft away some 3 – 4 weeks later.

aerial photo

An aerial photo of Wimbotsham showing the direction the Lancaster flew on that fateful night. The scar in the orchard is clearly visible. The airfield is in the bottom right hand corner.

On the 30th September 2023, a plaque was attached to the Wimbotsham village sign to commemorate the loss of the crew nearby. The ceremony was opened by Mr. Ian Cable, Chairman of Wimbotsham Parish Council with a greeting and introduction from Reverend Canon Dr. David Karoon. After the hymn ‘O God our help in ages past’, Group Captain Frederick Wigglesworth, Station Commander RAF Marham, gave the Bible reading Isaiah 40:25:31 which was followed by a prayer of dedication led by The Rev. (Wing Commander) Eddie Wynn.

Dr. Karoon then gave a blessing of the memorial after which followed  ‘The Airman’s Hymn’ sung by those gathered at the service.

Memorial dedication EE118

Mr. Dutton gives background information on the Pathfinders with Rev. Canon Dr. Davis Karoon, The Rev (Wing Cdr) Eddie Wynn and Group Captain Frederick Wigglesworth looking on.

Following the Lords Prayer, a further dedication was given by Bill Bower, the R.A.F.A. Chairman, which preceded the Last Post and a minutes silence. The ceremony was closed with some back ground information on the Pathfinders by Tim Dutton, and the Benediction from Dr. Karoon. Lastly, the National Anthem was sung and a thanks to those involved given by Mr. Cable.

In the gathering were relatives of both Sgt. Arthur Orchard and Sgt. David Booker, the bomb aimer, along with villagers who remember the crash in 1943.

Tea, cake and a display of material from the crash and personal letters from Arthur Orchard to relatives of the crew were made available in the village hall, itself a former RAF Downham Market admin building.

The crew in Lancaster EE118 (GT-?)

Flt. Sgt. Frederick H. Ray (Pilot), s/n: 1391599, age 26
Sgt. David R. Booker (Bomb aimer), s/n: 1413457, age 20
Fl. Off. Sydney K. Smith RCAF. (Navigator), s/n: J/14174, age 21
Sgt. Norman P. Winterburn (Wireless Op), s/n: 1439760, age 21
Sgt. William A. Lineham (Flt. Engineer), s/n: 1815307, age 19
Sgt. Frederick D. Dickens (Air Gunner), s/n: 1613337, age 20
Sgt. Arthur S. W. Orchard (rear Gunner) – survived

The Lancaster, a MK.III, was built as part of the fourth production batch of 620 aircraft (the final contract of No. 6427) by A.V. Roe & Co Ltd. at Chadderton. It was delivered to 32 Maintenance Unit (MU) on 27th May 1943 transferring to 156 Sqn. on 22nd June 1943. It was struck off charge after the Wimbotsham crash on 19th October 1943.

A range of resources were used in the compiling of this post, including:

National Archives: AIR 27/1041/40

Chorley, W.H. “Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War – 1943“, Midland Counties, 1996.

Holmes, H. “Avro Lancaster – The Definitive Story“, Airlife Publishing, 1997

Personal letters and photos on display from Arthur Orchard and Derek Neal.